Release 22.11.2023
Update Date: 22.11.2023
App name: Marketplace
What's New:
Added a preview of the asset description to the last step (summary step) of creating an NFT Meta Asset.
Added the "Other" token category available on the dashboard in the 'Browse by category' section.
Improved the logic of user and team filtering. Typing a short phrase in the search bar now displays the user or team, and if there are more than 4 results, clicking "Show more" redirects to the User or Team Explorer with the active filter of the entered name.
Changed the logic of asset filtering. By selecting multiple subcategories, all tokens that meet at least one category are displayed (previously, selecting two subcategories looked for tokens that met both conditions).
Replaced the docs links on the /developer page.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Swagger for the NFT service; sent requests were not sorted because the parameter was incorrectly converted.
Adjusted the appearance of the game card on smaller screens.
On the User Profile in the Games Favorites and Wishlist tabs, filtering games by platform type was not working.
Fixed the icon when setting boost metadata (boost icon -> display type -> "Plus") during token creation.
Fixed a bug that infinitely loaded assets assigned to a game when transitioning from one game and protocol to another game with a different protocol using the search bar.
Fixed a bug that blocked the ability to change the quantity of tokens on Buy Now auctions. The only way to purchase more than 1 token was through keyboard arrows.
Last updated