Release 24.10.2023

Update Date: 24.10.2023

App name: Marketplace

What's new:

  • We have restructured the metadata, making them more similar to the Enjin structure.

"properties": {
  "collection": "New Era Swords",
  "properties_Total Damage": {
      "name": "Total Damage",
      "value": 357,
      "display_value": ""
  "levels_Enchant level": {
      "name": "Enchant level",
      "value": 4,
      "max_value": 10,
      "display_type": "level"
  "levels_Weapon level": {
      "name": "Weapon level",
      "value": 67,
      "max_value": 100,
      "display_type": "level"
  "boosts_Damage vs Forest Creatures": {
      "name": "Damage vs Forest Creatures",
      "value": 20,
      "display_type": "boost_percentage"
  "boosts_Damage vs Water Creatures": {
      "name": "Damage vs Water Creatures",
      "value": 20,
      "display_type": "boost_percentage"
  "boosts_Magic Damage": {
      "name": "Magic Damage",
      "value": 82,
      "display_type": "boost_number"
  "boosts_Physical Damage": {
      "name": "Physical Damage",
      "value": -82,
      "display_type": "boost_number"
  • We added an additional step for creating assets. Now, you can set additional parameters, create collections, assign assets to collections, and configure properties, levels, and boosts. More information on properties and their significance will be available in the upcoming documentation.

  • We've adjusted the new asset card layout to align with the new metadata structure.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the cursor type in the Market table for Bidding Auctions. When a specific auction has no active bids in the Market table, the cursor is now displayed as "default" since there is no option to expand the current active bids.

  • For searches using the "Search input" feature, we've corrected a bug that previously redirected us to a page showing all assets instead of displaying the selected ones. For instance, when entering the search term "NFT," it would display a maximum of 4 assets, and to see more, we needed to click "Show More," which then directed us to the page with all results.

Last updated