Release 17.08.2023
Last updated
Last updated
Update Date: 17.08.2023
App name: Marketplace
What's new:
Added a new view for the Game Page, displaying social media links above the "Go to store" button.
Modified the view in the Game Page; after expanding "Go to store," a maximum of 8 external links are displayed, with the addition of a scroll if more links are available.
In response to your feedback regarding timers and user confusion, the Timer for Auction Start has been adjusted. Now, if there's less than a minute left for the auction to start, "< 1min" is displayed (previously, it showed 00:00:01, which was misleading due to 1 minute lasting 119 seconds).
Implemented a "position memory" feature on specific pages. When clicking on a particular auction while at the bottom of the page and then being redirected to the auction view, the back function retains the previous position. This feature currently applies to Dashboard, Users Explorer, Teams Explorer, Creators Explorer, Games Explorer, and Asset Explorer.
Enabled the ability to change avatars to images of tokens owned by the user (currently, the only way to have an animated avatar).
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug on the user profile's Activities tab that failed to return to the initial page after changing the sorting.
Enhanced the Validation Message for Bidding Auctions, making it more intuitive and providing direct information on the issue's location.
Adjusted icons indicating different Auction types on thumbnails. The icon now correctly corresponds to the specific auction type (top-left corner of the thumbnail).
Rectified the form validation for setting Royalty for a specific Asset.
Corrected the view after closing an auction, a link to the blockchain explorer was missing.
Addressed a bug that confused the Bidding Auction operator while accepting bids. When all tokens were sold through outbidding the floor price, the operator could still open the bid acceptance window and choose which bid to accept, despite all tokens being sold out. (Now, checkboxes are disabled in such situations.)
Fixed a bug that caused retention of the previous network when switching networks, leading to transaction errors for users. Previously, the problem was resolved by manually refreshing the page.